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    The Murloc Healer Thread


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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:29 pm

    Table of Contents

    1. Stats : Healing Power - Staying Power - Haste
    2. Regen : How does Regen work - How much MP5 do I need
    3. Talents : Raiding specs - Five must-have raiding talents - Class abilities
    4. Gear : Choosing gear - Healer gems
    5. Addons
    6. Macros

    1. Stats

    Healing Power

    These stats buy you faster heals now. Anything that makes your heals stronger or cast faster adds to your healing power. The backside of raw healing power is that it often comes at the cost of regen, although each class tends to have a "magic" stat that gives them output AND regen (example: Crit for Paladins, Spirit for Trees).

    - Spellpower (all)
    - Crit (all)
    - Intellect (boosts Crit, see above)
    - Spirit (Trees, Holy Priests)
    - Haste (all)

    Staying Power

    These stats will increase your mana pool, or boost your regen. Other than the basic in-combat regen stat, MP5, each class has a stat that boosts your regen through talents (example: Crit for Illumination Paladins, Spirit for Meditation Priests)

    - MP5 (all)
    - Spirit (Priests w/Meditation, Druids w/Intensity)
    - Intellect (Paladins and Disc Priests)
    - Crit (Paladins w/Illumination, Holy Priests w/Holy Concentration)
    - Spellpower (technically, if your heals top them up, you can take a longer break before the next heal!)


    32.76 haste rating = 1% Spell Haste

    Haste does two things for a healer/caster: it reduces your global cooldown (GCD) down to a minimum of 1 second (the "soft cap"), and it reduces the cast time of your direct and channeled heals. The formula that tells you how much Haste you need is:

    Haste Rating needed at level 80 = ((Base Cast Time / Desired Cast Time) - 1) * 32.79 * 100
    Example for direct heals: If you want to shave 0.5 seconds off a 2.5 second heal, you need: ((2.5/2.0) - 1) * 32.79 * 100 = 820 haste rating.

    Example for GCD reduction: If you want to reduce your GCD to 1.0 seconds, you need: ((1.5/1.0) - 1) * 32.79 * 100 = 1640 haste rating (= not really reachable unless you have talents/buffs that buy you a shortcut!)

    2. (Mana) Regen(eration)

    How does regen work?

    When 5 seconds have passed since you were last in combat, the formula for regen since Patch 2.4 is simple:

    MP5 = 5 * (0.001 + sqrt(Intellect) * Spirit * BASE_REGEN)

    BASE_REGEN is a constant value, fixed per level and regardless of class. Before Patch 3.1 the value was 0.005575. After 3.1 the value was lowered by 40% to 0.003345. Some examples with varying ratios of Intellect to Spirit:

    IntellectSpiritResulting MP5
    I've modelled the equation with various ratios of Spirit to Intellect (fisheries biologist ftw!), and assuming that both stats have the same itemisation cost, the best ratio of Spirit to Intellect is 1.33 regardless of gear level. When your Spirit is 1.33 times your Intellect, you will get the highest out of combat regen (no talent or buff considerations!).

    When in combat, the above formula is cancelled (unless you have a talent that lets a percentage of that regen to continue in combat, like Meditation or Intensity), and the only mana you will regen is from raw MP5 on your gear, or other talents (that, say, return mana on crit - like Illumination or Holy Concentration).

    How much MP5 do I need then?


    Last edited by Marveen on Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:43 am; edited 11 times in total

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:34 am

    3. Talents and Abilities

    What talents to pick for raiding

    I grab all talents that give me healing power ("Adds X% to spell's healing", "Converts X stat into Y% spellpower", "Adds X% to crit/haste"), my next priority is raid utility (buffs, oh-crap abilities), then regen, and only then do I put points into survivability (if any left). I manage my Regen through gear/healing style - but you can also choose to prioritise Regen and manage your spellpower through your gear.

    Five talents you MUST have for raid healing, per class

    The big list after this assumes you have the following:

    - Nature's Swiftness
    - Swiftmend
    - Intensity
    - Improved Gift of the Wild
    - Tree of Life

    - Illumination
    - Judgements of the Pure
    - Beacon of Light
    - ...
    - ...

    Priests, Holy
    - Guardian Spirit
    - Spirit of Redemption (spirit bonus)
    - Empowered Renew (instant heal on Renew)
    - Spiritual Guidance (more spellpower from spirit)
    - Inspiration (armour bonus on crit heals)

    Priests, Disc
    - Pain Suppression
    - Soul Warding
    - Penance
    - Rapture
    - Divine Aegis

    - Earth Shield
    - Riptide
    - ...
    - ...
    - ...


    Utility abilities, per class


    - Druids: Gift of the Wild, Thorns, Tree of Life aura
    - Paladins: Buff Auras, Magic School Auras, Blessing of Wisdom, Blessing of Might, Blessing of Kings
    - Priests: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Shadow Protection, Levitate
    - Shamans: Heroism (haste), Buff Totems (mostly for dps), Magic School Totems, Water Breathing, Water Walking

    Decursing and CC-removal

    - Druids: curse, poisons (HoT), shapeshifting
    - Paladins: poison, disease, magic, bleeds (Hand of Protection), Hand of Freedom, Divine Shield
    - Priests: diseases (HoT), magic (AoE, also offensive), poison and bleeds (self-only, racial)
    - Shamans: poisons, diseases, curse (talent required), magic (offensive only), Tremor Totem

    Instant Heals and Damage Shields

    - Druids: Swiftmend, Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch/Regrowth
    - Paladins: Lay on Hands, Holy Shock, Flash of Light (talent and proc required)
    - Priests: Shield, Guardian Spirit/Pain Suppression, Divine Aegis, Circle of Healing (talent required), Holy Nova, Flash Heal (talent and proc required), Desperate Prayer (self-only, talent required), Penance, Renew
    - Shamans: Riptide, Earth Shield, Grounding Totem

    Crowd Control

    - Druids: Hibernate (beasts only), Entangling Roots, Cyclone, Soothe Animal, stuns in animal forms
    - Paladins: Hammer of Justice
    - Priests: Mind Control, Shackle Undead, Mind Soothe, Psychic Scream
    - Shamans: Hex, Earthbind Totem

    Mana regeneration to others

    - Druids: Innervate (castable on others), Revivify (replenishment via HoTs)
    - Paladins: Blessing of Wisdom, Judgement of Wisdom (replenishment through hit), Lay on Hands
    - Priests: Hymn of Hope (channeled), Rapture (replenishment via Shields
    - Shamans: Mana Spring Totem

    Aggro management

    - Druids: Shadowmeld, Subtlety (talent required)
    - Paladins: Divine Shield, Hand of Protection (castable on others), Hand of Salvation (castable on others)
    - Priests: Fade, Silent Resolve (talent required)
    - Shamans: ...........


    - Druids: Combat Res
    - Paladins: Hand of Sacrifice, Divine Intervention, Beacon of Light
    - Priests: Spirit of Redemption (talent required), Lightwell (talent required)
    - Shamans: Self Res


    4. Gear

    What gear to pick for raiding

    Whatever complements your talent spec - for example, if you've picked a Crit-heavy build, go for Intellect and raw Crit. Or if you've maxed your spellpower through talents, go for regen on gear.

    It's also an idea to keep a few sets of gear at hand. At least:

    - a max healing power set for short bursty fights (Gothic),
    - a max regen set for looooong fights (Sapphiron), and
    - some extra stamina kit (pvp gear is good for this) for special fights (Malygos vortices).

    Get a good gear manager (such as Outfitter) and you can switch between these sets on the fly.

    Good healer gems

    Red: Runed (Spellpower)
    Yellow: Brilliant (Intellect), Quick (Haste), Smooth (Crit)
    Blue: Sparkling (Spirit), Lustrous (MP5)
    Meta: Revitalising, Chaotic, Bracing, Insightful, Ember, Beaming, Forlorn, Trenchant, Tireless

    There are many combination gems of the stats above, grab what you need!

    Last edited by Marveen on Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:44 am; edited 7 times in total

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:34 am

    5. Addons

    You don't need any, but some will make your job a lot easier. I recommend:

    - Deadly Boss Mods is a must imo (lets you monitor special boss abilities)
    - any unitframes mod (I use XPerl, but Grid is as good I've heard), and make sure it shows you info you need. Particularly helpful features are range finders, decursing highlights and HoT/Prayer of Mending tracking.
    - a good combat text manager will tell you in big bold letters when a special ability procs (Clearcasting). I use ScrollingCombatText. Alternatively, a timer addon will help you manage those pesky procs - I prefer the former solution.
    - Class specific addons: a totem manager is handy for shamans (I use TotemTimers), as is PallyPower for managing buffs with other paladins in raid.

    That's it.. Smile

    6. Macros

    Saving actionbar space:
    /cast [mod:SELFCAST,target=player] [help] Heal1; Nuke; Heal1
    I love this one, especially on my priest. I can couple up Smite and Holy Fire to my Flash Heal and Greater Heal abilities, and save 2 action slots. Even better as a druid, where I can use the [stance] modifier to enable abilities based on whether I'm in bear/cat/tree/caster form.

    CC/Focus macro:
    /clearfocus [button]
    /cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] Hibernate
    /stopmacro [target=focus,exists,nodead]
    /clearfocus [target=focus,exists,nodead]
    /focus [harm,exists,nodead]

    I got this off www.resto4life.com - it's not very elegant but it works nicely. If I rightclick on my CC ability (Hibernate in this case), I clear my focus. If I click it once, it sets my target as a focus, and the second click casts my CC. Handy for when I have to CC, and doubles as my boss quick-focus button.

    Get the GCD for a spell:
    /cast SpellName
    /script local start, duration, enable = GetActionCooldown(4);DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(duration);
    Got this off ElitistJerks, should help you find out what the GCD is on a specific spell (e.g. Rejuvenation).


    Last edited by Marveen on Sat May 16, 2009 2:22 am; edited 4 times in total

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  zuzuna Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:43 am

    I have Guardian Spirit, that increases by 40% any heals on target - I think it would be nice to let you know when it is up. The same holds true for the moments I need to "hide" and go oo5sr, to keep an extra eye around. I am sure you also have situations that it would be useful for me to be informed of. Is it ok with you to macro-whisper (so we read in glorious pink, not to be missed) certain spells? In my previous raid group we had the (lets say) "wmdheal" channel for assignments and stuff

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:21 am

    I don't like whispers because it's hard for the rest of the raid to know what healers are doing... Very Happy Also, in 10-mans there's usually enough room in /ra for healing comments - and it gives other healers a headsup that someone else has used an ability (we'll be 3 healers in raid for a long time now).

    But yeah, I am on the lookout for a good whisper-macro to let people know they've been Innervated.

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Derky Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:26 am

    Marveen wrote:I don't like whispers because it's hard for the rest of the raid to know what healers are doing... Very Happy Also, in 10-mans there's usually enough room in /ra for healing comments - and it gives other healers a headsup that someone else has used an ability (we'll be 3 healers in raid for a long time now).

    But yeah, I am on the lookout for a good whisper-macro to let people know they've been Innervated.


    /Cast Innervate
    /script if UnitExists("target") then SendChatMessage("InsertMessageHere","WHISPER",nil,UnitName("target") end

    I can probably add script on the end to whisper your or notify if it fails to cast for what ever reason.

    And for BG's I -think- this will work

    /run local n,r=UnitName("target") if r then n=n.."-"..r end SendChatMessage("InsertMessageHere","WHISPER",nil,n)



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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:13 am

    Trouble with that macro is I can't get it working with my mighty Energy macro:

    /castsequence [mod:SELFCAST,target=player] Innervate; [stance:1] Enrage; [stance:3, mod] Berserk; [stance:3] reset=60 Tiger's Fury, Berserk; Innervate

    This one gives me Innervate if I selfcast, Enrage in bear form (or Berserk if I hold down a mod in bear form), Tiger's Fury in cat form (or Berserk if TF is on cooldown), and Innervate otherwise. Sounds complicated, but it saves me a lot of actionbar space.. Sad

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:54 am

    My 3 OPs are tldr.. -.- Suggestions for replacing the Talents section with something else. I was thinking of making a list of links to healer blogs/resources. Anything else you want me to look up, say so now!

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Fri May 15, 2009 4:17 am

    Top reasons why good tanks die:

    - They didn't get healed
    - They didn't get healed
    - They didn't get healed

    Going oom is rarely an issue in WotLK - even on intensive bits (like Mimiron P1/P2), as long as there's a 5-10 second break somewhere after that, Replenishment will get you back in the fight. So there's no reason to be stingy with heals - overhealing meters only matter if you're going oom (and even then we have giefmananau abilities or pots to help with that). If people are dying while healers have mana, always assume it was a healing failure (until you've checked the Death meters and find out Bal ran into the Overload again Very Happy). Doesn't mean it was YOUR failure specifically, it could just be a bad healing assignment - if so, do speak up if you're being underused on your current target, it helps balance the assignment for the next try.

    This is the number one mistake inexperienced healers make: they don't heal quickly enough, or they wait for the damage to be received before they start casting. I am guilty of this and I hate it when it happens... >.<

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Derky Fri May 15, 2009 6:54 am

    Looking at WWS from last night...

    Rynar - You seem to be still healing like its TBC, as a huge majority of your spells are FoL. This in my opinion, and a vast majority of other paldins is wrong. FoL spam was TBC when trash didn't hit for 8-20k. When boss's don't do 90% of a tanks health in 3 seconds.

    I aint saying you are doing everything wrong, I would just recomend looking into you're healing and change you're way.

    Don't get me wrong, one of of the paladin's I respect the most as a player and as a person on ER uses FoL Constantly, her spec even revolves around that. She is always last on the meters but her overheal is low. As she raids 25 mans only there are 5-6 other healers who make up for her lack of healing.


    Good read, interesting points, I don't live by or believe in all of it, but there are some very good critical points.

    Thing to remember now is that overhealing is not bad. Letting tanks die is. Uldular is not like any other instance since TBC. 10 man or 25 man raids cannot cope with people dying.


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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  zuzuna Fri May 15, 2009 7:41 am

    Razorscale: What we do need is a way to keep Cardinal alive in phase 2...

    From wowwebstats.com

    21'16 Zuzuna Greater Heal heals Cardinal for 15065. (Critical) (3843 Overheal)
    21'21 Rynar Holy Shock heals Cardinal for 7557. (Critical)
    21'26 Razorscale melee swing hits Cardinal for 19720 Physical. (1414 Blocked)
    21'28 Razorscale melee swing hits Cardinal for 23264 Physical. (1414 Blocked)
    Cardinal died

    Fuse Armor - Reduces armor, attack and movement speed by 20% for 20 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. 5 stacks will render the tank unable to act. Cardinal had Fused Armor(4)

    So, we have to deal with this, and I read in wowhead comments that we can not use OT to take Razorscale away.
    If it is so, we either kill Razor faster or use shields etc on Cardinal when he stacks these bufs (so we make a raid announcement)
    My guardian spirit increases healing on him by 40% for 10 secs and if he dies I die in his place and Cardinal gets back to 50% of max health. Not bad if we are in danger, we gain some seconds (and i go on healing him as spirit)
    What else can we use? We can treat it as an extended Mimiron 1st phaze

    Or, we can let him die, and OT takes Razor Embarassed

    Last edited by zuzuna on Fri May 15, 2009 8:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Fri May 15, 2009 8:00 am

    zuzuna wrote:21'16 Zuzuna Greater Heal heals Cardinal for 15065. (Critical) (3843 Overheal)
    21'21 Rynar Holy Shock heals Cardinal for 7557. (Critical)
    21'26 Razorscale melee swing hits Cardinal for 19720 Physical. (1414 Blocked)
    21'28 Razorscale melee swing hits Cardinal for 23264 Physical. (1414 Blocked)
    Cardinal died
    Means Cardinal got no heals for 7 seconds (between Rynar's last HS and his death). That's healer failure.. Smile

    zuzuna wrote:My guardian spirit heals him for 40% more for 10 secs and if he dies I die in his place
    No, you don't die, but the Guardian Spirit (the wings) do. If he doesn't trigger the GS sacrifice, and you have the GS glyph, the cooldown timer should reset to 1 minute. So it's better than PS, as it completely avoids one death.

    If I do this fight as DPS again, I'll just join in the healing for P2. If the tank doesn't die this phase shouldn't last more than 2 minutes, even less if the MT doesn't die and Razor doesn't start to kill the DPS. It's just a race - healers empty their mana bars on the MT and hope the DPS empty the boss' healthbar before the Oracles run dry.

    Edit: I think you do need a tankswap on this, after 3-4 debuffs. But that discussion's for another thread..

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Dahlaine Fri May 15, 2009 8:20 am

    In terms of Restoration talents - thanks to changes in 3.1 - there is now only one viable spec for Restoration shamans for PvE which applies to both 10/25 man raiding. There are few* other talents worth considering in place of any of those chosen.

    There is however a number of different glyphs to choose from.


    *Some options to choose from dependant on what you're doing:

    If always MT healing than Healing Way is worth speccing into in placement of Ancestral Awakening.
    And also Enhancing Totems can be considered in place of Ancestral Awakening.

    Top five talents:

    Earth Shield/Improved Earth Shield
    Improved Water Shield
    Nature's Blessing
    Ancestral Knowledge

    In terms of threat reduction talents - there are some but they're not worth wasting the points - generally speaking I haven't had any problems with threat. The Wind Shock spell is also availible to us. (Non-damage shock spell cast on enemy which lowers your threat)

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  zuzuna Mon May 18, 2009 4:10 pm

    Definately disc for Vezax: If you add the prevented 5Xglyph healed ammount, my healing is much much better with disc. But on the other hand my pennance was bad timed and overhealed too much, so I must lower that to 1/3 at least. Mana was OK, although vapors were too far away almost all the time
    We also must coordinate our visits to the clouds a bit better - any ideas?

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Tue May 19, 2009 3:16 am

    Having Zuzu go Discipline really helped - Penance may overheal a bit more than GH, but it's a lot cheaper (and instant cast) and priest shields do no overhealing on this fight!

    We need to have one healer out of the fight at all times. One (C) starts on standby, and only runs in when the first healer (A) goes for a puddle. When A comes out of the puddle s/he's on standby, until healer B comes out:

    00"AB, C watches--
    And so on for up to 600 seconds (enrage timer) - or X "shifts" of Y seconds each (Y = 40 seconds in the table above). There are a lot of low-level heals running, which buffer the big healing (JoL, Dahlaine's wolves, Healing Stream Totem, HoTs, etc) so there should be a good enough buffer for people to cope with at least 30 seconds of "solo"-healing. Do we try doing the switch on a timer (every Y seconds, macroable) or do we just swap whenever?

    About pulling/killing the vapours in a good place, let's keep that discussion in the main Ulduar thread - don't want filthy dks in here polluting our puddle.. Smile However, you do need to get to a puddle early if you want to soak twice before it despawns.

    Vezax' damage on Cardinal was very spiky (swings for 13k or so), but predictable. I had the problem that my only 10k+ heal has a 2.5+ second cast time, and that's really pathetic compared to HL/Penance/GH >.< I can use Rejuvenation + Swiftmend which will hit for nearly that much, but SM is on a 15 second cooldown, so I was keeping a Lifebloom on Card and hoping it gave lucky blooms (3-4k) that complemented my other heals. All in all I cast ~45 heals (~20 LB, ~10 SM, ~10 Rejuvs), D cast ~30 heals (15 HL, ~10 HS), Zuzu cast ~45 heals (~20 PW:S, ~10 Penance, ~10 Renews), and Gimi cast ~20 heals (12 FoL, 6 HS). Our best kill was the one with the lowest HPS - it really is a fight about using as few spells as possible!

    Bottomline is, Cardinal only took damage from ~100 swings of 13k damage a hit (1.2 million damage taken the whole fight). So with 3 healers that's 400k damage we each have to heal, all we have to do is figure out how best to do that with ~20k mana (plus 12.5k if you milk the most out of a saronite puddle) Smile So have a look at the spells you used and see where you can swap out 2 lesser heals for one big (and more efficient) one for next time. Last night we had the luxury of 4 healers, but that's suboptimal because (a) the boss dies more slowly so we need more mana in the end, and (b) it's confusing. Another damagedealer instead of a healer would've meant 1/6 more damage dealt, the fight would've ended that much sooner and Cardinal would've taken that much less damage.

    Oh, and Dark Runes (from Schololololo) worked in this fight!

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Derky Tue May 19, 2009 7:40 am

    Good kill, great healing. Just communication again was a problem.

    Also, Gimi, you talk almost every shadow crash that was cast on you, any reason? Or were you just proned to die :p


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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  zuzuna Tue May 19, 2009 10:12 am

    Details for Vezax
    From Matticus: Shields cast while in Shadow Pool cost 70% less. And shielding is not healing, so.. no negative effects. (Just to check for the 20% damage --> hp that my glyphed shield does). Anyone else has a similar spell?

    From our last fight
    I shielded and run on the green goo. How strange, no mana back --> We trade life for mana, we must bleed to get it back
    I tried to get the 7th stack and was dead. I read that the 7th is 6400 mana-12800 hp, is it correct? Maybe my self healing was not good, or I delayed my exit (note: If you check my progress in all the bosses, I have to try all manners of dying before I can overcome them. Sorry murlocs Sad )
    Looking forward to the 3 healers version

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Tue May 19, 2009 12:01 pm

    Yeah, I got the same with Lifebloom - it reduces the cost of stacking it, but I still get the full discount back when it blooms, essentially making it free (if I time it right).

    I assume paladins could time their Judgement similarly, by jumping in the black puddles and having it cast for very cheap (30% of full cost), as it's not a "healing" effect?

    As for the puddles, maybe you could try using Pain Suppression on yourself when you jump in it? Cardinal seemed to have his shield walling well-sorted. Apparently druids can get a 7th tick if we use Barkskin (20% damage reduction every minute), but I didn't want to chance it. Perhaps paladins using their Divine Protection (shield wall) may get the same effect, I dunno. Seems like a lot of effort for an extra stack, when you can just run out on 6, wait a second or two, and step back in and get another 6 stacks if you're lucky and it doesn't run out.

    Oh, and the puddles seemed to bug a little sometimes and don't build up the stacks - I read up on the forums that it often happens when they appear near a shadow crash. You have to run out and in again, and it sorts itself out.

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Fri May 22, 2009 5:04 am

    I'd like a discussion on which Ulduar fights can be 2-manned, and what kind of healing we need (AoE, bursty, shields, etc). I am not sure when Zuzu is going Disc/Holy (except I know you go Disc on Mimiron!) so I'd like to hear what your rules are. Also, sometimes we really need D on 2-man healing, when tanks take heavy spikes - other times we can do with a tree/disc priest on that duty. Here's the fights as far as I can see:

    Fight Tank healing Raid healing Movement Cleansing
    Flame Leviathan - - - -
    Razorscale P1: light
    P2: heavy (tank swaps)
    P1: spikey and light (fireballs)
    P2: moderate (fire damage)
    P1: little (dodge fireballs)
    P2: moderate (keep up with tanks)
    ? (magic)
    Ignis heavy, spikey and incremental periodic and moderate (BURN plus slagpot) - -
    XT-002 moderate (MT), light (OT) periodic and moderate (tantrum) moderate (maintain range for tantrum)
    Iron Council 1st SB: heavy (MT), moderate (OT)
    2nd MG: moderate (MT/OT)
    3rd BD: ?
    1st SB: light (lightning)
    2nd MG: spikey (runes) and moderate (more lightning)
    3rd BD: spikey and moderate (chased)
    1st SB: -
    2nd MG: moderate (dodge runes)
    3rd BD: moderate (spread out)
    1st SB: Fusion Punch (magic)
    2nd MG: -
    3rd BD: -
    Kologarn moderate (tank swap) periodic and heavy (OBLIVION plus grips) moderate (if beamed) -
    Auriaya ? periodic and light heavy (voids and stay in front) -
    Freya ? (MT), light (OT) light moderate (mushrooms/spread out) -
    Hodir heavy (MT) periodic and heavy (Frozen Blows) moderate (dodge icicles) Frost nova (magic)
    Mimiron P1: heavy (MT)
    P2: -
    P3: light (MT/bomb tank), moderate (ranged tank)
    P4: light (MT), moderate (ranged tank)
    P1: spikey (napalm blast)
    P2: periodic and heavy (lasers)
    P3: light
    P4: periodic and moderate (lasers)
    P1: -
    P2: moderate and periodic (barrage and rockets)
    P3: -
    P4: light and periodic (barrage and rockets)
    Thorim gauntlet: light
    arena: moderate
    P2: heavy (tank swaps)
    gauntlet: light
    arena: moderate
    P2: moderate
    gauntlet: light
    arena: light
    P2: light
    gauntlet: Runic Barrier (offensive dispel)
    arena: ?
    P2: ?

    Heavy = chasing the GCD; Moderate = not spikey but you need to be awake; Light = you can type in chat AND do your healing assignment :p Let me know if there's any cleansing or fight dynamic I've overlooked - there's very little poison/decursing outside of trash mobs in Ulduar.

    Hardest ones for me to heal are the ones where raid damage is spikey or heavy on tanks. Fights like Razorscale, XT-002 and Thorim have little raidwide damage that a priest/paladin duo can't deal with better, so I am happy to go dps on these. On the other hand, a tree is most needed on things with periodic raidwide damage, like Ignis (HoT through silences), Kologarn (HoT on the run if beamed) and Hodir (pre-HoT) so if we 2-man heal these, it's best if D is dps on these. On some fights it's the nature of dps that determines if it's better to have D or me on DPS (example Auriaya), but that's another discussion.

    We can discuss Vezax and YS later when we have them on farm.. Razz

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  zuzuna Fri May 22, 2009 6:45 am

    Marveen wrote:I am not sure when Zuzu is going Disc/Holy (except I know you go Disc on Mimiron!) so I'd like to hear what your rules are.

    I go DC when:
    • Pain Supression is needed (like Mimiron P1). PS lowers damage, so has faster returns, while Guardian spirit increases healing from all sources: good but slow
    • The raid people are getting hit fast one after the other (Mimiron shooting)
    • When I need random fast big heals (Mimiron p1) and I may have to do other things (eg Pain Suppression, run for mana pool)
    • Raid people are getting hit randomly but not for killing damage, so I can max the effect of my shields (healing and preventing damage)

    I can't go DC when
    • raid people are getting damage on the same time (Ignis, XT-002)
    • on MT duty where greater Heal + Guardian Spirit + stopcast + others still make me feel safer. Growing my DC skills may change this

    In Ulduar I go DC on Mimiron, on Vezax and on Thorim (main room) and I will try Razorscale and Cologarn

    PS Why do you think that when an Oracle dies, we don't see immediate wipes? (If it is just my impression, just say so)

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  zuzuna Sun May 24, 2009 2:48 am

    Still panting from the effort to run back from Shadow debufs and Marks from Vezax, and having my ears ringing from Marv's cries for help while I was away, I think the best thing for healers to do when they have the shadow debuf is to move on the side keeping same distance from Vezax. So, they wont be late for next cast, especially when another Oracle drings vapours. There is a danger of a Mark, but not so high if we have it in mind and check the field as we cast. The even better decision, to run towards Vezax has the risks in the "wipe zone".

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Sun May 24, 2009 3:59 am

    zuzuna wrote:Still panting from the effort to run back from Shadow debufs and Marks from Vezax, and having my ears ringing from Marv's cries for help while I was away, I think the best thing for healers to do when they have the shadow debuf is to move on the side keeping same distance from Vezax. So, they wont be late for next cast, especially when another Oracle drings vapours. There is a danger of a Mark, but not so high if we have it in mind and check the field as we cast. The even better decision, to run towards Vezax has the risks in the "wipe zone".
    Heh, sorry about that.. I saw you had mana so I assumed you were off regenerating Embarassed Yeah, we need the ranged dps to give us some feedback on where they want us to stand ideally.

    I noticed you went Disc for the successful try on Hodir, Zuzu. I would've thought a Holy Prayer of Healing would be more useful here - but you found otherwise. What made the biggest difference?

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Sun May 24, 2009 5:26 am


    The aim of improving on this fight is to (a) have the best possible healer/soaker switches and minimised overhealing, so we can (b) do this with just 2 healers, which means that (c) he dies faster and we can enable Hard Mode (no vapours killed = all 8 merge and a Saronite Animus appears and wtfpwns us). They should merge after 30 x 8 seconds or 4 minutes, so our aim is to bring Vezax near death in that time.. Very Happy Our Vezax fight last night looked something like this:

    MINUTES: 0-----1-----2-----3-----4-----5-----6-----7-----8-----9
    Derky  : HHHHHHHHHHHHsssssss--HHHHHHHHHsssssss--HHHHHHHHHssssHHH
    Soaking: ------------D-----------M-Z---D-----------------D--Z---
    I started healing (H) at the second kite, or about 1.5 minutes into the fight, and only needed one soak (s) around the middle (at 4 minutes or so). However, I am only buffering your heals with cheap HoTs (and ready with a Swiftmend if you get marked/crashed), so I assume you both need to take at least 2 full regen breaks - or is it more like 3? I'd like you to have a look at the reports and let me know when you needed/took your breaks. At a glance it looks like we need to space our regen breaks better, so it's one every minute after 2 minutes.

    As D pointed out, overhealing was beautifully low (except for Cardinal and Taqwa Very Happy) - most of mine was from Lifebloom, so I'm considering dropping this spell and switching to HT stopcasting (2.5 second cast ugh) or Regrowth when I get a CC proc. LB is very cheap to cast however, so I don't really mind the overhealing it does unless it affects your regen (example: does it interfere with Beacon of Light if it snipes some of your Holy Lights?).

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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Derky Sun May 24, 2009 9:33 am

    Don't use Becon on Vaez, its completely useless.

    Unless you are refering to another fight?


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    The Murloc Healer Thread Empty Re: The Murloc Healer Thread

    Post  Marveen Sun May 24, 2009 11:58 am

    Nah, just wondering if my Lifeblooms are messing with your Holy Lights/Zuzu's Penances and potential mana returns from effective healing done. Lb ticks for a pitiful amount every second and makes a large heal after 9 seconds (the bloom).

    Edit: I can't really control when the bloom will happen (can rarely predict healing needed in 9 seconds), but it's very cheap extra healing.

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